
#YouthVoices Reflections from Rural Youth Champions Veronica and Emmanuel

RYC Reflections and Insights from the Kuyenda Collective Annual Convening: Veronica from Malawi and Emmanuel from Tanzania

Check out the Rural Youth Champions insights following the Kuyenda Collective Annual Reflection & Learning Convening 2024

In this review meeting period, we have looked at the areas where the project can improve its operation to better meet the project’s objectives in amplifying voices of the Rrural Youth Collectives in transnational platforms, forging relationships and networking  on national and transnational levels, including research and dissemination of information. I have learnt that it is important to share knowledge and information, strategies and learn from one another in this collective as we fight the common challenges affecting our education systems across the four countries. The most exciting thing for me is the fact that the project has been extended and I hope that with the extended period, we can accomplish our project objectives in system strengthening.

Veronica longwe
rural youth champion malawi

Greetings of peace to everyone. Emmanuel Kavula is my name from Mbogwe district in Tanzania.  The Kuyenda Collective reflection meeting was held at the Southern Sun Rosebank Hotel in South Africa from 16th-18th , 2024, which has brought benefits to me. During the discussions, alot  has been said :  discussion on the success / achievements of the project challenges and what should be done better for the next phase of the Kuyenda project. I learned that sharing participatory approaches in the advocacy agenda is the one step ahead towards addressing the learning crisis at transnational levels. Additionally, creating platforms for networking between the RYCs, organisation / country partners, and state and non- state actors is a good idea. From the meeting, I can say that “I see the light  for the next phase “,  I have enjoyed the way RYCs and country partners shared experiences on how the learning crisis is addressed from the unit level to transnational level.

emmanuel kavula
rural youtth champion, tanzania

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