RYC Reflections and Insights from the Kuyenda Collective Annual Convening: Flora from Mozambique and Blessed and Tichatonga both from Zimbabwe
Check out the Rural Youth Champions insights following the Kuyenda Collective Annual Reflection & Learning Convening 2024

“Bom dia! Meu nome é Flora de Calole Jemusse Cassimo Wassia. Primeiro vim agradecer por tudo e louvar o trabalho que o projecto tem feito. Dizer fui munida de mais conhecimentos pelas experiências que tivemos, gostei muito das discussões que tivemos. E agradecer pela consideração que tiveram por retomar o projeto porque este projecto ajuda a minimizar o analfabetismo.”
Translation: Good morning! My name is Flora de Calole Jemusse Cassimo Wassia. First I came to thank you for everything and praise the work that the project has done. To say I was equipped with more knowledge by the experiences we had, I really enjoyed the discussions we had. And thank you for your consideration in resuming the project because this project helps to minimise illiteracy.
flora de Calole Jemusse Cassimo Wassia

I’m Ziso Blessed, a Rural Youth from Chiredzi District in Zimbabwe. I am happy I attended the Kuyenda Review meeting, where we reviewed the progress, success, and challenges faced by the first phase of the project and prepared for the next phase which mainly focuses on transnational advocacy. I learnt that, as we scale up, there is need for the RYCs to improve their reading and research skills so that we make informed arguments based on evidence. I enjoyed interacting with fellow RYCs from different countries and senior personnel from the different implementing partners.
Blessed ziso

At this review meeting I had very good insights as follows: 1) the openness of the process was good, we plan together, we have dialogues, we network and now we have a clear vision on what we advocate for. 2) I learnt how to plan ,how we can be more proactive in addressing our challenges throughout the local level and at transnational level engagement. 3) For the past three days there have been good moments since I have seen how the information in other countries, how they manage their situation and learnt how they respond to any emerging issues.
tichatonga nyangu